Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Easter Weekend

Hippity, Hoppity, Happy Easter Time!

I hope everyone had a great one. We were busy, but enjoyed every minute.

Pops Worden was here last Wednesday (sheesh, a week already!) to help us manage a couple electrical things. I'm not quite there yet with feeling confident about it, but I'm getting close! Changing a light switch is manageable, but installing a fan timer was a bit too much for me. Dad was able to come to the rescue, and now our bathroom fan is on a timer, and our one unnecessary light switch upstairs being removed. Yay!

Poka went to the Farm with Dad, so that when the drywall guy came on Thursday, she didn't have the torture of someone else in the house while she was locked up.  The drywall guy managed to tape up the remaining sections and have them mudded by dinner time.  We'll have to do a light sanding, and likely some touch up (as he didn't have the lightest of hands), but for what we paid, we'll manage.  So, the near half of the drywall taped.  One thing less to do.

After the drywall was dealt with a bit on Friday morning, and we had moved all that furniture out of the closet half, we packed our bags and hopped on the highway to Orillia for an Easter visit.  Nothing says relaxation like a cuppa tea, or two, or three :)  We had a great visit with Ma & Pa Waugh, and William too as he was there for the day on Saturday.  Poor Blue (dog) was looking for Pokey, oops, but we heard that she was having fun at the Farm enjoying a chocolate bunny or two?  I'm sure just as a doggie daydream.

On Sunday morning we hopped on the road again and went into Toronto to see War Horse on the stage.  I cannot express how amazing the show was.  I was in tears a couple times, not out of sadness, but first out of admiration and wonder (yup, I'm like that) at the puppetry skills, and then the second time as a result of the storyline.  What a great show.  I'd go again.

We found ourselves somewhere to go for dinner on the cold and windy night, and then hunkered down at the Radission by the Harbourfront Centre.  It was nice there, and although breakfast wasn't included, it had underground parking (incl) and a 12pm check-out time.  We actually were able to even keep our parking spot the next day while we toddled around T.O.  We ate lunch at one of my favourite restaurants, Everest, and after the amazing Indian delight, we went to Chapters to amble around before settling ourselves into Boston Pizza with about 100+ other Jays fans to await the 7pm game time.

Alas, despite a full house, and some nifty National anthem flag trickery, the Jays didn't come out on top after being tied until the 9th.  Silly Jays... still a great game though!  I don't think I'll want to sit where we did this time for a future game, as we couldn't see the Jumbo-tron.  You'd be amazed at how much it feels part of the game, especially when you can't see it.  Oh well, now we know.  OH - and I finally got a Blue Jays jersey.  Treat to me!  Unfortunately Glenn's "treat" store wasn't open, but next time we're downtown, I'm sure we can swing into the CBC Store for a visit :)

Next up - closet installation, putting up a wall, priming, sanding, patching, painting . . . then carpet?  Who cares, because after painting, I can put our clothes upstairs!!!

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