Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Weekend Wrap-Up

Hope everyone had a Happy Mother's Day!

We had a busy weekend from start to finish.  On Friday night, Casey came over after work to have a wine & painting party.  A couple bottles, a couple coats of paint, an order of Wok Box (and me discussing with the guy that he's going to have to come in for a beer one weekend... I might have been enjoying my wine a bit :P) . . . painting is nearly done!  There's a couple spots which need a bit of touch up, but there were other parts that we didn't get done overall anyways.  Successful night!

Saturday I got up, did some running around in the morning, and spent the afternoon showering Andrea (one of my bridesmaids) at her baby shower.  Baby Hayley is due in June, and she's sure got lots of fun stuff to enjoy when she arrives!

Saturday night was supposed to be when I did food prep for Sunday morning brunch, but I was way too wiped out (stupid head drama) so I had a mid-evening nap and at 10:30pm I jumped up to get some of the prep done.

Sunday morning was another flurry of activity.  Glenn was great to help things get ready, and Sarah and Trevor arrived before M&D Worden to enjoy Mother's Day Brunch.  We had tonnes of food, and good company to boot.

Before my parents left they were able to help us get the wiring finished up there so now we have lights, and light switches!  Whee!  And, we double checked to make sure that things (appear) to work :)

Tonight we went back to Home Depot to get our carpet confirmed.  The guy had come out on Saturday to do the measurements, so we had to confirm exactly which style and colour we wanted.  Talk about a pain in the backside!  So many options.  We finally settled on one, and hopefully it's great once it's in.  Glenn won on the darker vs. lighter, and I got to choose the colour of dark that we got.  Tomorrow I'm going to call over to get it confirmed and hopefully they can tell us how long it'll be.  In the meantime, I'll get back at it up there doing some of the woodwork and trim stuff while Glenn's away in Ottawa for Nationals w/ his bands.  I'm sure we'll have some time to relax over the long weekend . . . . while we garden :)

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