Monday, July 2, 2012

A little more... again

Piece by piece, we'll get there!

The first sleep upstairs last night was great.  We learned that we don't hit the slanted ceiling at all when getting in or out of bed.  We learned that Glenn doesn't ever have to climb over me again to get into bed (yay!).  We also learned that the room is HUGE (super yay!) and that we've still got lots of little steps left to go. 

Unfortunately the night stands that we have don't work for the space at all.  I'm going to have to get onto kijiji to surf around and find a suitable pair.  Or maybe I'll find something great at Home Sense, as I have a trip planned for this week.

Today I went upstairs and did the caulking on top of the baseboards and around one window.  I'm going to also try to get our bedding finished (needs mega ironing) and maybe try to put the second window trim up?  The trouble is that it's got a chunk missing so I've got to rebuild it, which isn't easy - well, for me.

All that AND gardening, tidying, preparing for next weekend.  I guess I'm happiest when I'm busy, right?  Too bad it's not the same for GW :)

1 comment:

  1. Hooray for the first night in your new master bedroom suite!! Congratulations!

    I would encourage you not to be too concerned about ironing your duvet cover... I've long since given up! :)

    Can't wait to see the final product next weekend at Dining Barn 2.0!
