Saturday, December 14, 2013

The first fire

When I moved in 5 years ago, "get the chimney cleaned and inspected" was one of the first things I put on the list.  Having a wood burning fireplace in the house was such a selling point for me, and I knew that eventually we'd be enjoying a warm night in.

Guess what got put on the back burner (har har) for 5 years.  Oops.

This week, GW decided to get moving on this 'to-do'.  Our local newspaper had an article about what certification was important in an inspector, and then GW found "Rand" on the certification site.  Rand came out this morning, did a quick fix in addition to our inspection/cleaning, and then gave GW a how-to lesson so we could avoid filling our house with smoke during our first fire.



So wonderful - and warm!!


  1. Really great. Even better after all those years. It always takes the chill off. Enjoy !!!
    L - D.

    1. It wasn't nearly as warm as yours, but it wasn't as smokey either ;) We learned a good trick to tell you. Xoxo!

  2. We always lit our fire and then argued over whether or not the flue was open or closed while smoke belched into the living room. Raf would say the flue lever was set correctly and that the smoke would stop in a minute!
    Meanwhile I would cover my face with a towel and run around opening doors and windows. Not sure why, but we haven't used the fireplace for a couple of years!!!...Mrs G.

    1. It's been cold enough this year to give it another go, I'd say! The fire-guy taught us that you light some newspaper and hold it up in the flue, then light the fire, and hold the newspaper up there again until you can see the smoke being drawn up. So far so good here!
