Saturday, March 16, 2013

What a colourful world!

I know I've kept 'mum' on the colour we had chosen for the music room/library, but that was only because I wanted to be sure that we had gotten to our final choice before broadcasting it to the world.  And that involved putting it on the wall... something GW got to yesterday!

We first got our idea back in December while at IKEA looking for bookshelves.  We were there for something else, OH - my craft room, but thought we should start the hunt for the music room too.


At IKEA we got into a discussion about how GW wanted the room to be dark... like an old study. At first he wanted a very dark green, which I vetoed because our living room/dining room was green already.  Then he wanted a really dark maroon, which I also vetoed because our throw rugs were cranberry and our house already had accents of maroon everywhere.  So we headed towards blue.  I had said I wanted something more grey, but he seemed to gravitate towards the blue/black or royal blue.  Hmmm....

Now, GW may try to say that he didn't want anything this dark... especially since they look very morose sitting all together.  But every time we got near a paint sample place, he gravitated to the deepest richest colours.  Don't get me wrong, I love that... but I was worried about actually putting them onto a wall or two!

When we agreed on doing blue, we grabbed a bunch of paint samples and cut them apart to put them on the wall.  This way we could truly feel them out.

I promise there isn't two of the same up there
We narrowed the field - any guesses?

By this time, GW was getting a bit more wary about picking something dark, although I had faith in his vision.

We picked our favourites, and decided that the one match amongst them would be it.  Windsor Haze it was!  Top centre of the photo with 6 samples in it.

While I was at work this week, GW got to patching, sanding and priming the 3 walls without panelling on them.  Yesterday, he got the first coat on all of them....

..... and it looks great!  Very library.  You like?

It's a little less 'washed out' in person... but I'll try to get better photos when the room is actually done!